SUNDAY 9th JUNE 2019
Faith in Nature - A Reflective Journey
10:00- 12:30
Layby after NUIG Field Research Station and before the turn off for Burren Perfumery
(locally called as chip dump)
Walk with Pius Murray, Seán McDonagh and friends.
A participatory reconnection with nature.
Free of charge - open admission
Photography Workshop in the Burren
Walk and Demo with photographer Martin Kiely.
Up close and personal: the wild world of pollinators
Slow down - watch - and capture an image of a dragonfly, bee or butterfly as they cruise the pollinator super-highway along the wildflower meadows of the Burren. Martin will give an introduction to capturing images of Burren flowers and pollinators. Bring a camera, knee pads/a small mat/small cushion to sit on.
€15 for non-members/ €10 for members of the Burrenbeo Trust
Booking essential as numbers are limited. Book tickets here.
Advanced Plant and Pollinator Identification
Farm Walk with Cilian Roden, ecologist, Tomás Murray, National Biodiversity Data Centre, and Michael Keane, farmer/botanist.
Free of charge- but booking essential as numbers are limited. Book tickets here.
The Business of Bees and Pollination
Workshop with Sadie Chowen and Robin Sheen from the Burren Perfumery and Sarah Wall from the Burren Flower Farm
With the threat of extinction to our bee species in Ireland, we will explore how a business can provide a friendly habitat for pollinators and how we can make a difference in helping our bees survive. We will also visit our garden, bee hives and experience a taste of our different honeys.
€15 for non-members/€10 for Burrenbeo Trust members.
Booking essential as numbers are limited. Book tickets here.
Bumblebees, Hoverflies, Tea and Cake
Farm Walk with Michelle Larkin, botanist and Neal and Harry Jeuken, farmers, ecologists and beekeepers.
A walk through a working farm - working to conserve habitats for pollinators and people.
€10 for non-members/€5 for Burrenbeo Trust members.
Booking essential as numbers are limited. Book tickets here.
Wildflowers and Pollination Mechanisms
A walk around Kinvara village and surrounds to look for wild flowers in different habitats with Micheline Sheehy-Skeffington, botanist and the Kinvara Tidy Towns group
Free of charge - open admission